Scientific and technological innovation in healthcare, along with the development of science omics (i.e., genomics, metabolomics, radiomics, proteomics), and increasingly precise Artificial Intelligence systems are contributing to the technological advancement of Biomedical research and clinical practice.
These digital assets are integral in improving care pathways for patients.
Advanced technologies can truly enhance individuals’ health and lifestyle, improve monitoring of treatment pathways, and enhance prevention and risk prediction in imaging. Moreover, these tools help in supporting research and clinical practices through personalized care for each individual and accurate analysis of data, whether synthetic or coming from Real World Data (RWD) and Real-World Evidence (RWE). Implementing solutions based on the latest developments in the field of Artificial Intelligence is therefore of paramount importance. Operating in the field of Research & Development, GDMH is set to:
Enable Precision and Personalized Medicine treatments
Support InSilico Trials and new digital Clinical Trails operations
Support Molecule design + efficacy/safety prediction
For more informations
Support Biomarker discovery and predictive insights
Develop AI-based drug target identification & prioritization